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Options For Justice Campaign

Options for Justice is an essential organization to the St. Louis community. Here we explain how we help and how you can help too!

Options for Justice is an essential organization to the St. Louis community. Here we explain how we help and how you can help too!

Amy Ward from Options for Justice walks us through some of the ways Options for Justice can help their clients navigate the justice system.

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Testimonial From Options For Justice
St. Louis, MO

Crossroads College Prep "SEEN & SUPPORTED - KNOWN & NEEDED" Campaign

Sarah Williams shares when she switched to Crossroads from a public school that was less academically challenging, how that worked out, and what it's like playing on a basketball team with a "no cut" policy.

Esme Schuman talks about how crossroads is challenging and engaging. As a 9th grader she is having fun learning here and the teachers are especially helpful. She enjoys the theater program at Crossroads.

Hanan Nathan-Slarskey talks about how everyone at crossroads was really accepting. He is an artist and was able to impact people and find himself at Crossroads.

Ellory Steinbach talks about the "umph" that Crossroads has unlike his previous public school. He has become a leader of the baseball team and has an interesting take on his leadership role. Crossroads gives him the opportunity to pursue one of his favorite hobbies, outdoor gardening.

Jayden Cooley shares his love for one particular subject and how crossroads gives him opportunities to try new things.

Lennox Turner shares how she discovered a new talent after trying soccer, her love of singing and how Crossroads helped her at both.

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Testimonial From Crossroads College Prep
St. Louis, MO

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New City School Promotional Video

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Testimonial From New City School
St. Louis, MO Central West End

Branksome Hall Asia Spotlight Campaign

This is a documentary I shot and edited about the Branksome Hall /Branksome Hall Asia Exchange. Each February, the entire Grade 9 class from Branksome Hall Canada (Toronto), travels to their sister campus in Jeju to collaborate on a wind-turbine design project. The students worldviews were transformed through this cultural exchange. The exchange focuses on authentic student leadership activities and broadens students’ global perspectives. Their students participate in all facets of Korean school life and culture. The students work side-by-side with their Korean sister students in collaboration to apply an integrative thinking model to solve real-world problems.

The Diploma Programme at Branksome Hall Asia
This is a video I made for Branksome Hall Asia's renowned Diploma Programme. Branksome Hall Asia DP is part of the International Baccalaureate®. DP is similar to High School with some distinct differences. The Diploma Programme (DP) curriculum is made up of six subject groups and the DP core, comprising theory of knowledge (TOK), creativity, activity, service (CAS) and the extended essay. Through the Diploma Programme (DP) core, students reflect on the nature of knowledge, complete independent research and undertake a project that often involves community service.

Testimonial From Branksome Hall Asia
Jeju Island South Korea

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"MARY" Music Video for the Band Sadurday

This music video was shot but needed an editor I was hired to help facilitate the vision of the director all while bringing something to the table. They appreciated my contributions all while staying true to their original idea.

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Testimonial From Sadurday
Remote Video Editing St. Louis & Pennsylvania

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